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Benito Menni Mental Health Care Complex

The Congregation's mission embodies and expresses the charism of Hospitality.


María Josefa Recio and María Angustias Giménez, together with eight other sisters, represent the feminine face of Hospitality: women who are committed, as a result of their faith, to the merciful liberation of other women. Together with Benedict Menni, they formed the founding group that dedicated their lives to providing an answer for a profoundly neglected sector of society: the mentally ill.

The following are some of the guiding principles of our mission:

  • Those suffering are the central focus of the Hospitaller mission.
  • Our healthcare services combine science and humanisation, as we seek to provide holistic care for our patients.
  • We are primarily concerned with the financially disadvantaged and the neediest.
  • Respect, defence for life and the principles of ethics and catholic morality are central to our healthcare activity.
  • All those who are involved in our work: the sick, their families, workers, volunteers and religious members, form part of the Hospitaller Community.



Our psychiatric and mental health care units provide comprehensive and specialist care both for people with mental health disorders and for their families, offering medical treatment, psychotherapy, psycho-social rehabilitation, and support for social integration.

We provide ongoing care through each of the phases of illness, from prevention, to serious crises, to chronicity. Our aim is to help people with mental health problems to resume their life projects with dignity and maintain an adequate quality of life.

To do so, we offer various options, such as short-, medium- or long-term hospitalisation, day-care, outpatient care, and home-based care, as well as intermediate day-care and residential options for people with long-term illnesses or who require a greater level of community support, and the promotion of integration into the workplace. Lastly, we have special mechanisms in place for treating certain pathologies, such as our Therapeutic Community for people with personality disorders.



FIDMAG Sisters Hospitallers Research Foundation has an extensive experience in the field of psychosis, mainly in the area of neuroimaging. The team has reached several grants for research projects continuously, reaching a level of excellence in scientific production, with over 100 articles in journals of the first quartile since 2010, sustained production of more than 10 articles per year in first decile journals, consolidating a yearly average impact factor greater than 5.


More information about:


codi tipus

hospitals sense fum

cluster salut mental



Benito Menni CASM
C/ Dr Pujadas, 38 - 08830 St Boi de Llobregat
Telèfon: 93 652 99 99 / Fax 93 640 02 68 /


Reconeixements a la qualitat i excel·lència
Darrera modificació: 19/09/2024
Gold forum member